O delovanju SZS/About activities of SZS

Člani Slovenske zveze za sokolarstvo in zaščito ptic ujed (v nadaljevanju SZS), smo v soboto 08.04.2017 sodelovali pri ugotavljanju pomladanske številčnosti poljske jerebice v Lovišču s posebnim namenom Fazan Beltinci (v nadaljevanju LPN Fazan).

Vlaganje poljske jerebice poteka od avgusta do novembra. Zaradi značilnega teritorialnega  obnašanja  jerebic v obdobju parjenja v pomladanskih mesecih jerebice v lovišče ne dodajajo. Lovi na jerebice potekajo v obdobju od 01. 09. do 15.11. samo na določenih območjih, izven teh predelov se lova na poljsko jerebico ne izvaja. Del jerebic, ki se dodajajo v lovišče se tako razširi na sosednje predele in se naslednje leto uspešno vključi v naravno reprodukcijo.

Pred nekaj leti, se je pojavila potreba po natančnejšem ugotavljanju pomladanske številčnosti te vrste v lovišču. Ugotovitve profesionalnega osebja, da je v določenem letu pomladanska številčnost poljske jerebice majhna, zadovoljiva, ali velika so bile preveč posplošene in premalo natančne. Podobno kot se je zgodilo z  nekaterimi drugimi vrstami, se  je tudi poljski jerebici obetala pasivna zaščita, ki pa najpogosteje ne prinese pozitivnih učinkov ogroženi vrsti. Navedeno je bilo razlog, da so v letu 2015 pričeli izvajati monitoring pomladanske številčnosti poljske jerebice. 

Metoda ugotavljanja pomladanske številčnosti, ki jo v lovišču uporabljajo temelji na metodi   opisani v prispevku  Rezultati spremljajoče študije za verifikacijo ugotavljanja populacijske številčnosti poljske jerebice  (prof.Dr.Dr. habil K. Pohlmeyer z sodelavci ; december 2000 ) iz Veterinarske visoke šole iz Hanovra. Teritorialno oglašanje parčkov jerebic, ki se v aprilu prične 20 minut po sončnem zahodu in traja 45- 60 minut, lahko namreč uporabimo za ugotavljanje števila parčkov jerebic na določenem področju. Predpostavlja se, da je vsako oglašanje znak prisotnosti teritorialnega parčka jerebic, čeprav je možno, da se oglaša tudi samček, ki ni v paru. Glede na slišnost jerebičjega oglašanja morajo biti posamezne točke medsebojno oddaljene najmanj 400 m. Morebitne možnosti podvajanja štetja se na evidenčnem listu beležijo posebej.      

 Do letošnjega leta je bilo izvedeno preštevanje parčkov poljske jerebice na območju, ki leži južno od  ceste, ki povezuje naselji Beltinci – Črenšovci. Območje dosedanjega štetja jerebic je bilo zmeraj enako, standardizirano, zajemalo pa je tako predel, kjer se lov izvaja, kakor tudi okoliški predle, kjer se poljske jerebice ne lovi z puško. V letošnjem letu  so se odločili razširiti območje kjer se ugotavlja številčnost jerebice pomladi tudi na predel, ki leži severno od omenjenega standardnega predela. Za ugotavljanje pomladanske številčnosti jerebice je potrebno dovolj ljudi, ki sočasno izvajajo zasliševanje oglašanja na v naprej določenih točkah. Člani SZS smo se z veseljem odzvali povabilu, da v soboto 08.04.2017 sodelujemo pri monitoringu poljske jerebice v LPN Fazan. Sama infrastruktura krajine omogoča sistematsko postavitev točk iz katerih se posluša oglašanje, večina poljskih poti je namreč vzporednih z medsebojno razdaljo 200m-300m. Na karti predela lovišča so bile izrisane posamezne trase z točkami, na katerih smo poslušali oglašanje. Glede na dosedanje izkušnje in v izogib morebitnemu podvajanju štetja parčkov so bile trase in točke poslušanja  medsebojno oddaljene 600 m . Po dosedanjih izkušnjah osebja lovišča je namreč v ugodnih pogojih možno slišati oglašanje jerebic tudi na razdalji preko 200 m. Na ocenjenih 1.600 ha površine je bilo določeno 19 rut z dvema, ali tremi točkami poslušanja. Preštevanja se je udeležilo 14 članov Slovenske zveze za sokolarstvo in zaščito ptic ujed, pomagali pa so tudi 4 zaposleni v lovišču. Preštevanje smo  pričeli na vseh rutah ob 19:40 , na posameznih točkah smo poslušali 5 minut.

Na skupno 46 točkah je bilo ugotovljeno oglašanje domnevno 49 parov jerebic. Kot morebitno podvojeno je bilo ocenjeno oglašanje 15 parčkov, ki jih zato k skupnemu rezultatu nismo šteli. Na 6 rutah v predelu, kjer se jerebic ne dodaja in lovi je bilo na skupno 20 točkah ugotovljeno oglašanje 15 parov jerebic, na treh rutah na 6 točkah nobenega, ostale jerebičje parčke smo ugotavljali znotraj predelov, kjer v jeseni poteka lov na jerebice. 

Slovenski sokolarji se zavedamo, da je zmerna raba in dovolj velik motiv določene skupine ljudi najboljše zagotovilo, za ohranjanje naravnih virov – tudi poljske jerebice !

On this occasion the Falkners joind organised Partrige monitorin in the State hunting reserve with a special purpose LPN Fazan. The monitoring was carried out an April 8, with the purpose  to determine the number of the Partrige in a certain part of the  hunting ground.


LPN Fazan is a State hunting reserve with a special purpose governd by Slovenian forest service. The hunting ground is located in the northeastern Slovenia and is part of the  Pannonian Basin or Carpathian Basin in Central Europe.  The Reserve covers over 14.000 hectares of land on both sides of the river Mura. One part of the hunting ground is forest and river flood area with swamps. Another part of the hunting grounds contains  the agricultural landscape.  Some parts of the agricultural landscape still contain mosaic structured farmland with small fields, hedgerow and patches of grassland.  Farmers on these fields mostly grow Wheat, Barley, Oilseed rape and Maize. Cultivated land with large quantity of grain and green crops, bush for cover and little snowfall  provide good habitat for Partridge, Pheasant and Hare.  Winter feeding  of the Partridges in these areas is not necessary. Exceptionally in the winters with a thick snow layer the Hunters clear the snow from fields with winter grains close to flocks.

The State hunting reserve LPN Fazan is also engaged in breeding of the Pheasant, Partridge and Mallard. Raised Partridges and Ducks are released in the hunting ground. In recent years LPN Fazan released 2800 Partridges per year.  Raised Partrdges ar systematically  released from August to November.  Because wild Partridges behave very territorial raised Partridges ar not released before late summer. 

Because State hunting reserves ar financed solely from its own income, it must also offer small game hunt. The number of hunted Partridges is 1440 per year. Hunting is permitted from 1. September to 15. November on the certain areas of the hunting ground.  On large regions hunting and falconry is not permitted. Due to these measures, raised Partridges can disperse to protected areas and successfully integrate in the natural reproductive circle next year.


It is our Wish that despite favorable naturall habitat and  possibility of breeding we maintain large number of Partridge population in wide arias all across the hunting ground. Because only pasive protection of flocks an evaluation given from profesional hunters in scale from small, adequate and large birt polulation is no accoret enought, LPN Fazan started monitoring number of Partridges in spring 2015. The method of monitoring is deskribed in article prof.Dr.Dr. habil K.

In this counting method we use advertising calls of the Grey Partridge male given by day and by night. The calls begin in April, 20 minutes after sunset and last 45 – 60 minuts. It is asumed thad one call reprisents one cupel , buth it is also posible that call is made from mail withaut female. The area an witch monitoring is carrid out is always the same and it covers areas where huntig an falconry is aloved as well as areas where hunting is not permitet.



Monitoring is carried out an selected routes. This routes have marked points of listening that lie 300 meters apart from one another. On route has 2-4 listening points. Because hunting ground is mostly farmland, the field routes are systematically divided apart an 300 meters. Therefore monitoring planning is not difficult. Professional hunters have also taken into account their own experience from previous years of monitoring. According to their estimates advertising calls of the Grey Partridge male can be heard at a distance over 200 meters. In order to avoid duplication of counted calls the routes  were pland 600 meters apart from one another. For simultaneous monitoring on large hunting ground many experienced hunters and falkner's ar needed.  Falconers from Slovenian Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey joined the professional hunters from State hunting reserve LPN Fazan on this year's monitoring of the Gray Partridge.

In the monitoring participatet  14 Falcners and 4 Professional Hunters  from LPN Fazan. This year we were able to cover 1,600 hectares of land with 19 marked listening routes. Monitoring started simultaneously on all routes at 7.40 PM.  The participitans were asked to listen on each point for 5 minutes, write down the number of calls, time of the start and finish of the listening to the record sheet. The participants also have the opportunity write down duplicated calls, the number of which is then subtracted from the total number of advertising calls.  On 46 listenih points, we recorded 49 advertising calls. On 3 routes with 6 listening points that lie on the outskirts of the hunting area we recorded 0 advertising calls of the Grey Partridge. On 6 routes with 20 listening points, on areas where huntig,  falconry is not permitet and raised Partridges ar enot released we recorded 15 advertising calls. 34 advertising calls we recorded on 10 routes with 20 listening points in areas where huntig and  falconry is permitet and raised Partridges are released in the hunting ground.



Člani Slovenske zveze za sokolarstvo in zaščito ptic ujed smo sodelovali pri monitoringu poljske jerebice.


Slovenian Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey ( SZS) happily joind International  Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey (IAF) in their efforts to protect the Partrige and their natural environment.