Napredek v 2017/Progress in 2017
Člani Slovenske zveze za sokolarstvo in zaščito ptic ujed (v nadaljevanju SZS), smo v soboto 08.04.2017 sodelovali pri ugotavljanju pomladanske številčnosti poljske jerebice v Lovišču s posebnim namenom Fazan Beltinci (v nadaljevanju LPN Fazan).
Falconers from Slovenian Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey joined the professional hunters from State hunting reserve LPN Fazan on this year's monitoring of the Grey Partridge.
Pri monitoringu je sodelovalo 14 sokolarjev in 4 profesionalni lovci iz LPN Fazan. Na ocenjenih 1.600 ha površine je bilo določeno 19 rut z dvema, ali tremi točkami poslušanja. Preštevanja se je udeležilo 14 članov Slovenske zveze za sokolarstvo in zaščito ptic ujed, pomagali pa so tudi 4 zaposleni v lovišču. Preštevanje smo pričeli na vseh rutah ob 19:40, na posameznih točkah smo poslušali 5 minut.
In the monitoring participated 14 Falconers and 4 Professional Hunters from LPN Fazan. This year we were able to cover 1,600 hectares of land with 19 marked listening routes. Monitoring started simultaneously on all routes at 7.40 PM. The participants were asked to listen on each point for 5 minutes, write down the number of calls, time of the start and finish of the listening to the record sheet. The participants also have the opportunity write down duplicated calls, the number of which is then subtracted from the total number of advertising calls.
Na skupno 46 točkah je bilo ugotovljeno oglašanje domnevno 49 parov jerebic. Kot morebitno podvojeno je bilo ocenjeno oglašanje 15 parčkov, ki jih zato k skupnemu rezultatu nismo šteli. Na 6 rutah v predelu, kjer se jerebic ne dodaja in lovi je bilo na skupno 20 točkah ugotovljeno oglašanje 15 parov jerebic, na treh rutah na 6 točkah nobenega, ostale jerebičje parčke smo ugotavljali znotraj predelov, kjer v jeseni poteka lov na jerebice.
On 46 listening points, we recorded 49 advertising calls. On 3 routes with 6 listening points that lie on the outskirts of the hunting area we recorded 0 advertising calls of the Grey Partridge. On 6 routes with 20 listening points, on areas where shooting and falconry are not permitted and raised Partridges are not released we recorded 15 advertising calls. 34 advertising calls we recorded on 10 routes with 20 listening points in areas where shooting and falconry are permitted and raised Partridges are released in the hunting ground.